A pathogenic fungal microorganism can infect toenails while visiting a sauna, swimming pool, wearing someone else's shoes or socks, using pedicure tools that have not been disinfected.
The doctor makes a diagnosis based on a visual examination and the results of laboratory tests, after which he prescribes medications for toenail fungus. In the initial stage of the disease, external agents give a good effect - drops, creams, ointments, sprays and solutions.
In advanced situations, therapy will be long and expensive - it will be necessary to use a set of medications, including systemic pills.
Benefits of antifungal drops
The first of the advantages of drops was the convenience of their use. They are available in compact bottles with a dispenser, which allows you to accurately dispense drops for nail treatment without resorting to other medical accessories. The limiter on the dispenser allows you to apply the product pointwise, without wasting the medicine in vain. This makes this form of the drug economical.
Safety is the second of the benefits of drops for the treatment of nail fungus. Drops act on the surface layers of the nail, skin, without penetrating into the blood.
This makes them safe to use, unlike toxic drugs that are administered orally. In addition, drops on the nail are applied carefully, without touching the surrounding skin and the nail fold. This eliminates irritation and allergies.
The third of the main advantages of medicines for the fungus in the form of drops is their effectiveness. The medicine is well absorbed, does not stain clothes, does not smear. Drops directly affect the focus of the disease, quickly coping with the infection. Even a cheap antifungal drug can defeat advanced onychomycosis as part of complex therapy, eliminating the need to remove the nail.
How drops from the fungus work

After identifying the causative agent of the disease, the doctor will tell you which drops from toenail fungus will be most effective. Modern drugs act on the fungus in a complex way - in two directions at once:
- fungicidal - destroy fungal spores and fungi themselves;
- fungistatic - stop the reproduction of fungi at the cellular level.
Thanks to such a complex work of preparations, it is possible to choose the optimal treatment for nails, there is no chance for fungi and bacteria to multiply on the nails. An additional effect of the drops is the removal of inflammation, the improvement of cell regeneration. When applied externally, the components of the drops accumulate in the nail plate in optimal concentration. The drug blocks the synthesis of ergosterols - compounds that form the basis of the cell membrane of fungal microorganisms. Due to this, the life process of fungi is disrupted, as a result, pathogenic microflora dies.
As mentioned above, in order to achieve such a result, drops against nail fungus must be prescribed by a competent doctor. He will prescribe the necessary medications, dosage, and select the duration of the course of therapy.
Indications for the use of drops from onychomycosis
Drops are prescribed for damage to the nails on the hands and feet, with the manifestation of a fungus on the skin, signs of ringworm and pityriasis versicolor. Symptoms in which a dermatologist prescribes drops and other external nail preparations for fungus:
- irritation, peeling and redness of the skin between the toes;
- the appearance of itching and burning on the foot, between the fingers, near the nails;
- soreness, signs of inflammation around the nail;
- the appearance of stripes, grooves and spots on the nail plate;
- change in the color of the nail, its deformation, thickening, delamination.
The above signs signal a fungal infection. If you immediately consult a doctor, the treatment will be inexpensive, and you can quickly get rid of problems. Onychomycosis refers to contagious diseases, it is not just a cosmetic discomfort, but a danger to the carrier of the disease and others.
In the advanced stages, the fungus leads to intoxication of the body, a decrease in immunity, and complications. The problem will not be resolved on its own; over time, the disease progresses without adequate therapy.
Contraindications for fungus drops
Any medicine, including antifungal drops, has its own contraindications and side effects. You need to read the instructions before starting treatment. The main points that do not allow the use of drops are: individual intolerance to the drug, age up to 12 years, pregnancy and feeding, the presence of wounds and suppuration. The use of drops can cause burning, itching, redness and peeling.
There are not as many contraindications for drops as for systemic antimycotic drugs, however, a doctor should prescribe them.
Effective drops from the fungus

First, the nails affected by the fungus are steamed, cleaned, dried, and only after that drops are applied.
The procedure is repeated twice a day, the course lasts up to six months (the period depends on the time of growth of a healthy nail). Drops can cause peeling and itching of the skin, but you should not cancel the treatment.
Drops are prescribed in the initial stage of the disease and for the prevention of relapses.
Reviews on the use of drops note their cost-effectiveness and ease of use. There are few contraindications, side effects rarely occur. But the drops help to quickly neutralize the fungus, restore the beauty and health of the nail.
In advanced cases, drops are used as part of complex therapy, which includes taking pills, diet correction, hygiene procedures, medical pedicure, etc. The exact treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.